I am a firm beleiver that learning starts at home.Toddlers should know their basics before going off to school such as Alphabets,Numbers,shapes,colours,days of the week/month,weather. I am also a firm believer of the montessori style of teaching combined with curriculum, it helps them with basics such as brushing teeth,getting dressed, eating on their own and so much more.
There are so many ways of teaching your child these basics and still keeping it fun, as they grow older you won't need as much sensory as they will be more able to take in structured learning.
Below are some ideas to try out that we have done at home.
Water beads Colour matching
This was a fun activity for the boys,you can use water beads in so many ways. We used it as a sensory bin,counting,colour learning and also as science as I allowed the boys to watch the beads grow when put in the water and then did another batch over night.