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There is no manual for being a parent,we start learning from the day they are born. We then spend the rest of our days constantly doubting our efforts, but praying we are doing well by them.

This is a picture of my daughter’s hand why have I chosen this picture? Because it is a reminder to myself that it is my hand that holds hers and not her hand holding mine!












What I mean by this is that from the moment we bring these little people into this world a big responsibility has been placed on us parents, to maintain them,protect them,love them, care for them, educate them but most of all to enjoy them.Being a parent is the most difficult job you will ever do in your life but it is also the most rewarding job you will ever have.Which is why i say it’s my hand holding hers and not the other way round, it is us that supports them through their young life.

You will have really high days where your so happy that the moment your husband walks through the door you want to tell him all about how your son said that first word or took that first step but you will also have days when you will watch the clock waiting for your husband to come home so you can hand the kids over just so you can have a minute of silence and gain some sanity.

There is no manual on how to do this role and we have to just try our best and pray that God makes it easy on us and helps us to bring up law abiding citizens who will be caring,loving,respectable,well mannered,educated,God fearing and beneficial to the community but most of all we hope that our children will grow up to be the type of child that respects us as their parents and do not desert us when we are in old age because after all we are their parents.


I am not a super mum I am just an ordinary mum and writing gives me some relief from my daily routine,I am honest and don’t hide the reality of life I like to be as honest as possible unless of course it’s too personal to share.. I try my best to do right by my children but I too have my off days more than I can count but at the end of the day I always try to remind myself that I am not perfect and perfection belongs only to God. It is hard when the day has gone wrong but it’s important to remember that everyone in your house will go to sleep and if God wills tomorrow will be another day and you can start again!

I hope you will find my site beneficial any feedback is always welcome and feel free to contact me for anything and I’ll try my best to reply.

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