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Melissa & Doug See and Spell Review


We bought this as an Eid present for my twins and to my surprise the boys have loved it!


It is early days yet but I find that it is helping their concentration levels,the pictures help them remember what the words are along with repetition they are getting quicker at matching the letters.


We do this activity every day now the boards have pictures on both sides so you have a varied amount of words for them to put together.This is a great tool to help them to read too, as you can sound out the letters once they have completed it.


This is good for helping them recognise the lower case of the alphabet letters and if you incorporate phonics into this they will also be learning the sounds of the letters I only wish they had a capital letters version of this and a numbers version!



So my view is Go ahead and purchase it you won't be disappointed this is a great activity for children to either incorporated into lessons or on those rainy days.




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